Croda's Inscription Gold Guide - paid version, only $5

Some beautiful music to read the blog to . . . . . . (i first heard on PowerWord:Gold podcast)

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What do I stock? and When do i craft?

What do i stock?

I stock every glyph – which means i stock some glyphs that may never sell.  But that is because i aim to own the market.  I stock a minimum of 8 of each glyph.  I have found that this generally serves me well for a week.  I always want to end up with no less than 3 glyphs at the minimum – any less then i am missing out on sales given i post 2 at a time.  For glyphs that sell faster, i stock up to 20 at a time.

I stock the 20 of each of the top two levels of scrolls, 20 of each of the top two levels of runescrolls, 20 certificates of ownership, and one of each of all the offhands.

For Darkmoon Cards – I craft a batch of 6 and sell them all over a few days and then craft another batch.  As the darkmoon faire gets nearer the cards tend to sell quicker.

When do i mill and craft?

My crafter buys cheap herbs during the week and stores them in the guild bank.

I mill the herbs and craft new glyphs, scrolls, runescrolls and certificates once a week, normally on a Saturday morning.  The whole process can take an hour, and is somewhat tedious.

For off hands – given i stock one at a time, as they are sold i craft a new one and send it to my alt at that time.

For Darkmoon Cards – I craft a batch of 8 and sell them all over a few days and then craft another batch.  As the darkmoon faire gets nearer the cards tend to sell quicker.  Crafting a batch of 6 to 8 gives me a good range of cards to sell.

for this and other ideas on the glyph market please follow the link to the free Croda's Inscription Gold Guide

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