Croda's Inscription Gold Guide - paid version, only $5

Some beautiful music to read the blog to . . . . . . (i first heard on PowerWord:Gold podcast)

Saturday 31 December 2011

Plans for 2012

for other ideas on the glyph market please follow the link to the free Croda's Inscription Gold Guide

As 2012 draws to a close, perhaps a view forward as to what i plan to do in the first two months of 2012.

1.  A closer look at the non-glyph parts of Inscription: there is a lot to write about here.  The gold to be made from non-glyphs is a welcome addition and can be quite lucriative.  Furthermore, it tends to operate independently of the glyph market.

2.  Develope further on the Advanced Trading Strategies: yes, there are more.

3.  Add further discussion on Market Observations: indeed, more of these to come.

4.  Of course, maintain a steady stream of glyph making ideas coming
5.  Continue to update the guide: as you would expect.

Other ideas that, lets face it, may not happen:

See if I can master creating video content.

Be a guest on a podcast (talking about Inscription).

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! My greatest fear has been realized, you will be delving into the non-glyph Inscription market! I have been making a steady income in that area with little to none of the cancel-reposting commonly found in my glyph market. I have gone to only making glyphs for new glyphs, and guildmates, and am doing fine with my scribe, with more time to PvP. I guess I have to get ready for more competition, and look forward to your thoughts on this market.

    In the meantime, a very Happy New Year to you!


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