Croda's Inscription Gold Guide - paid version, only $5

Some beautiful music to read the blog to . . . . . . (i first heard on PowerWord:Gold podcast)

Sunday 22 January 2012

Twilight Tome

for other ideas on the glyph market please follow the link to the free Croda's Inscription Gold Guide

The Twilight Tome is an offhand that gives +25 Stamina, +35 Intellect and increases Haste by a small amount.  The player needs to be level 70 to equip it and is normally the first thing a caster will equip when reaching level 70.

It is likely to be replaced by a better item within 1 or 2 levels before the caster then equips an Iron-Bound Tome or a Faces of Doom at level 77.

The crafting cost is c50 gold on my server (5 Ink of the Sea + 2 Eternal Life + 10 resilient parchment) and i sell them for 200 to 250 gold.

I sell at best one a week – reflecting the low usage time by casters.  But I am the only person selling these on my server.

As with all pre-cataclysm of-hands I post at a fall back price of 250 gold and a minimum price of 200 gold.  And as with the other off-hands in the past, when i increased the fall back price to 400 gold i merely attracted new competitors.  Hence i now keep the price between 200 and 250 gold.

As an aside, it is loosely related to the Rituals of the New Moon, the connection is the Twilight series.  I have heard this suggested but never tried it myself – but selling in trade chat the full Rituals of the New Moon collection and the Twilight Tome is an idea.

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